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Katikati Football Club Inc

Our Club and Our Philosophy


Katikati Football Club, established 1973, hosts a wide demographic of men, women and children made up of
17 junior teams, 2 youth teams, 1 women’s team and 3 men’s senior teams. This makes us the largest code in terms of player numbers in Katikati.


Here in Katikati, we strive to spread the love of football throughout our community.


A Firm Supporter of the Katikati Sports and Rec Centre


As Katikati's football club rapidly grows we are finding ourselves in desperate need of a clubrooms. We would occupy the Katikati Sports and Rec Centre for numerous uses such as:


- Clubrooms


We have wanted clubrooms and a place to call 'home' for 23 years. 


Our three senior teams, Federation teams and First XI boys and Girls all have post match functions and light refreshements - currently the Men go to the Talisman and the juniors either sit outside or use the Action Centre foyer - neither of which is a good option, particularly in winter weather.


With 300+ members a facility that has covered areas, a lounge, toilets and food preparation areas as well as 'tuck shop' space and storage would be a hive of activity for most of the weekend in winter and many week nights.


 - Changing rooms: 

We currently rent changing facilities from the Rugby club or the College for all our senior teams, federation youth and First XI Boys and Girls teams.   This is a significant cost and they are not always available for football.  All of these teams at times change on sidelines a number of times a year.

We don't currently have safe changing facilities for our female players - both seniors and youth.

Currently most of our youth teams do not use changing facilities at all, but would if they were available especially if located near fields on wet days.



- Senior and Federation Facilities: 

Our senior mens and junior regional (federation) teams are required to provide practically sized changing rooms, shower facilities, after match function room and separate referees changing and showering facilities in addition to the fields of play. 


We currently have to excuse our club from meeting basic requirements when we enter these competitions, as even the facilities available for us to hire do not meet these requirements and the leniency shown by our regional body is now waning.  


Lack of adequate building facilities to match our fantastic grounds is now one of the direct risks to our club continuing to offer football talent programmes in Katikati - forcing our hand in  forming agreements with Tauranga clubs to provide talent pathways to Katikati kids.



 - Gym and Indoor Area 


An indoor area would be used for our indoor football and futsal  programs. 


They would also be used for our wet weather training options.  Currently our teams with school aged kids and our senior men have wet weather bookings at the Action centre which is part of the issue for other clubs trying to get access to the Action centre.  This is not a significant money earner for the Action centre as most usage is by school kid teams who don't pay additional usage charges and partially hinders the Action centre from taking more financial bookings.


An indoor space would be useful for coach and referree training courses - with a local facility WaiBOP is happy to run courses at our location to service the area North of Tauranga.


We would like to run senior indoor football competitions, for those from Katikati and surrounding areas North and South of town.  Such competitions are great fun and good fundraisers too.


- Function Room and Meeting Space:   

Such areas would have uses like:

 - Twice monthly committee meetings

 - Indoor coaching sessions

 - Fundraiser event venue

 - Bimonthly coach, captain and referee education sessions


- 24 hr Access Public Toilets:   

A significant issue at present to all users of Moore Park is the lack of usable public toilets. 

Currently Football can get a key from Caltex to open the Rugby toilets which we generally do for Saturday mornings and other peak use time.  We then have a duty person who sweeps them and checks they are locked up and the key returned.  

If we do not open these toilets (such as during the many evenings of trainings) then the skate park toilets are the only option.


The skate park facility is a long distance from our fields and often in bad repair and not safe - on numerous occasions we've had cases of the facility not being fit for use, the door opening on users or not opening and both adults and kids being stuck inside! 


Public toilets attached to the centre that were well lit, monitored by the centre users and close to the point of need would be safe and always available to both our visiting teams and members at training times and a good facility for the public.


The nearby park and ride also would benefit from these toilets. 



The X Centre is an amazing opportunity for our club to work with other clubs and groups in Katikati to build something future proof for our community.  We are really pleased to be one 7 clubs working so well together and with a constitution that shares power equally for the future benefit of our town, not just football.  None of us know what the biggest sport in town will be in 20 years - but now we have a group and constitution that is nimble enough to meet any challenge faced and evolve with the town.



Katikati Football is one of the founding member clubs of the Katikati Sport and Recreation centre.


Contact for our X Centre involvement is Tam 021 539 788


Visit the KKFC website:

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